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#1 You can join Isaiah's FIGHT on facebook and donate with a debit/credit card. CLICK HERE TO GO TO ISAIAH'S CAUSE on facebook.

#2 You can mail a check to their church-write ISAIAH somewhere on envelope or in the memo of your check:

Lifestream Christian Church 204 East Main Street Gardner, KS 66030 Phone: 913-856-8088

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bad news from UNMC...

Just got off the phone with Aaron. During the scope of the upper GI tract, the probe (camera thingy) could only get about 4cm past the stomach and no further. The piece of remaining small intestine has twisted and stuck to itself, apparently, after the pressure change from "the great draining".

A CT scan will be done tomorrow to determine if any fluid can go past or around the drainage tube in the small intestine. Here are our options as they stand right now: Isaiah goes outpatient with a big honkin' NG tube attached to suction that he would have to carry around along with the TPN backpack and the drainage bag attached to his stomach OR, they open him back up, remove all remaining small intestine (tiny piece that it is), staple off the rectum and I don't know what else with his stomach, liver etc.

Things are not lookin' good, my friends...I just keep telling myself, "As long as he still has this or that, he'll still be OK", but he keeps losing parts and he is not going to have anything left. I'm not taking this in my usual optimistic style...hopefully by tomorrow I'll have regained my Joy. I know God has this and I'm not taking it back from Him, but I do get sad sometimes. I think I need to read my bible for awhile and maybe have a bubble bath or something. I feel like a piece of wood.


  1. I'm so sorry...stay strong and trust in God. I'll keep praying for all of you.

  2. This is hard! God loves you all.
    We love you too and are praying for your strength and serenity. For the return of your joy. Gerry

  3. I'm sorry for the bad news. Keep strong and keep loving on that little guy!

  4. Johnson Family,
    All of us are still down here in Gardner thinking and praying for each and everyone of you. Tell the "little man" that Dee Dee misses his smiling face and "pats" at church. Love you guys.
