Our Fundraisers

#1 You can join Isaiah's FIGHT on facebook and donate with a debit/credit card. CLICK HERE TO GO TO ISAIAH'S CAUSE on facebook.

#2 You can mail a check to their church-write ISAIAH somewhere on envelope or in the memo of your check:

Lifestream Christian Church 204 East Main Street Gardner, KS 66030 Phone: 913-856-8088

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Latest Hospital bill: $288,000.00

Miles traveled per visit to hospital: 440

My boy home for Easter: PRICELESS

Isaiah is steadily getting better every day. He is feeling well enough to be quite crotchedy these days, but we don't care. Isaiah is sleeping a lot, but in between he feels pretty darn good. Had some retching and abdominal pain today, but this is very infrequent now. He can POOP! Who knew??? He is obstructed and nothing has been going through for awhile now, but lo and behold, it keeps happening about every other day. Nothing like a normal intestine would kick out, but coming through nonetheless.

Isaiah is going back to school tomorrow!! He is just going to attend half days in the morning, that is probably about all he can handle. Even that may put him completely down the rest of the day. But still, he needs to see his friends and he needs normal interaction. He needs the school environment.

The Easter bunny came to our house and left a ton of crap on our doorstep-amazing how he keeps finding us...Isaiah was so hyped that the Easter bunny knew he couldn't eat food and left him only non-food items. The genuine amazement on his face was hysterical to watch. He was trying to convince me that giant bubbles can be blown in the house too, but I wasn't having it. I am sure The Bunny did not mean for the Buzz Lightyear giant bubble wand to be used in my living room. It was all really kind of humerous. Our easter eggs are not colored yet and since a lot of our things are in storage, we had no easter baskets to put out for The Bunny. Isaiah found a storage crate in his room for use, Boo used a book bag and Tater used my strainer from the kitchen.

So, we also have a lot of excitement going on!!!

Isaiah's Army is having a pancake breakfast benefit at Applebee's at The Great Mall for him on April 18th. Get this: his first grade classmates are going to help serve the pancakes!! Is that so awesome?? I don't know what else to call it because I cried like a baby when I found out.

Our church is having a softball tournament on May 9th for Isaiah's transplant fund. I can't wait for the warmer weather then so we can attend and cheer on our favorite teams. So amazing...Isaiah has no idea how many people are trying to help him. He's just too young to understand but I plan to document all of this very well so that when he is older, he can look at pictures and read articles and KNOW how loved he is by so many.


  1. LOVE IT! All the kids look GORGEOUS!

  2. Happy Easter. What a blessing to have your boy home. Great pix of the kids!

  3. brilliant, the kids look great, and you cnanot put a price on it! with love xxxx

  4. What a blessed season. We haven't colored our Easter eggs yet either. Time just seems to slip away into thin air! We are doing it this week for sure with family visiting and then having egg salad for lunch! :0) Wish we could be there for the benefits. Always praying for your family! You are much better at keeping up than me--maybe I spend too much time reading other people's blogs! Well worth it. I have a lot on my mind to say--but it can wait. Thank you again for keeping us updated on your family!

  5. HAPPY EASTER! WOW how everyone has grown. What a beautiful family. I think both the girls are taller than me now. I think all the prayers are working. Lotsa love.
    Hugs and kisses,
    Grandma Vickie

  6. Praise the Lord! He's looking great! May the Lord continue to watch over him! May the Lord's healing continue to be upon him! Amen!

  7. Was never so excited as I was to see our little man at church a couple of weeks ago. He looked wonderful then and I missed last Sunday, so I know that he even was more handsome then. Can't wait to see you and hug you and maybe a kiss on the forehead. You put this a smile on this old ladies face. So does your mamma. Love you all.....Dee

  8. Pictures are wonderful!
    Please provide the softball information on your blog as well - i know tons of players!
