Our Fundraisers

#1 You can join Isaiah's FIGHT on facebook and donate with a debit/credit card. CLICK HERE TO GO TO ISAIAH'S CAUSE on facebook.

#2 You can mail a check to their church-write ISAIAH somewhere on envelope or in the memo of your check:

Lifestream Christian Church 204 East Main Street Gardner, KS 66030 Phone: 913-856-8088

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Coming in April

We've managed to stay out of the hospital for a whole two weeks! He has his monthly follow-up on April 1st and we've been discussing his ostomy take down surgery. Looks like we'll be back in Omaha for the month of June for the surgery and recovery. Want to try and make it through school and give him a chance to be at one of his events!

Hope to see everyone at the volleyball game!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Calling all Vendors!

Hello!  To piggy back on the volleyball game, we've been notified there will also be an auction during the game.  If there is anyone out there that has something they would like to donate, please give our contact people for the departments a call!

It would be most appreciated!

Battle of the Departments!

Just received awesome news! The Spring Hill Police Department and Johnson County Fire District #2 will be squaring off in a volleyball game to contribute to Isaiah's fundraising! This is wonderful, and we would really like to thank everyone who has worked hard in getting this together.

I'll be leaving the flyer up until the event and posting more information as it becomes available. Come out if you can!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And we're admitted again - Children's this time

So Ike came home sick yesterday and it was deja vu all over again from last week. He couldn't stop throwing up and his stomach hurt. Strangely reminiscent of some issues we had with the last transplant, but once again as soon as he got hooked up with some Zofran and IV fluid he was fine.

So he's staying at Children's for the next few days while we continue to run tests and get his feeds back up....

At least we didn't have to go back to Omaha, right?

Monday, March 1, 2010

And we're home again...

So we've been "out" of Omaha for 8 weeks, but have had to return 3 times.  Luckily it has not been due to any rejection issues.  Still frustrating overall as it is a disruption to our schedule, but good to know things are still progressing well.  And we only had to stay 4 days!