I've receive a lot of requests for an address to send cards et al to Omaha. Well here it is:
Isaiah (or Aaron) Johnson
PO Box 6550
Omaha, NE 68106
We've had issues in the past with the hospital postal service "misplacing" items for extended periods of time. So if you have anything you'd like to send, please do so. Isaiah loves to get pictures and mail. It's lonely up here :-)
Anyway - labs are doing some funky things. We're currently experience kidney issues related to the prograf levels in his blood. Basically, his body has been under a lot of stress with the transplant and we're trying to get all the levels back to as close to normal as possible. And when one thing is out of whack, then it affects something else. So currently we've gotten his platelet count high enough that he will actually start coagulating again, but his FK levels are so high they're interfering with his kidneys.
He's also a bit yellow, which indicates there may also be a few issues with the new liver. . . .
He's trying to be a trooper but having to wear a mask, having 4 different lines coming out of the body, and having to be on monitor leads is having the desired 7 year old boy effect. So we'll keep praying and see what the team brings us next for options. Currently we're trying to tackle one issue at a time.